The abolition of the death penalty is one of the few human rights consistently progressing. Today, out of 198 states and territories, 80% no longer execute, meaning they are either abolitionist (60%) or have a moratorium on executions (20%).
Our interactive map allows us to approach the situation of the death penalty from a global perspective, then delve into the details and sort the results by intergovernmental organisation, and finally, obtain reliable information for each state via the “The Death Penalty Worldwide” tab.
The second tab, “UN Instruments“, located at the top left, allows visualizing the commitment of states to an abolitionist process by observing their position regarding international texts and treaties related to the death penalty.
It also highlights ECPM’s actions in the field, through our logo placed on certain states.
This comprehensive and interactive tool reinforces our advocacy work internationally while providing a unique source of information on the situation of the death penalty worldwide.
This map was created by the CartONG team, an NGO specialised in information management whose mission is to use data for humanitarian, development, and social action projects.
This map was created with the financial support of the European Union and Norway. Its content is the sole responsibility of ECPM and does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the European Union or Norway.