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Reports and analysis

Couverture Rapport d'activités 2023
Activity report (2023)
Jun 2024
Thirty years of moratorium in Morocco: an endless wait – 2023
Apr 2024
Overview of the death penalty
Annual report on the death penalty in Iran in 2023
Mar 2024
Human Rights Protection Mechanisms
Summary – alternative report on the death penalty in view of Saudi Arabia’s 2024 UPR
Nov 2023
Human Rights Protection Mechanisms
Summary – alternative report on the death penalty in view of Jordan’s 2024 UPR
Nov 2023
summary report UPR malaysia
Human Rights Protection Mechanisms
Summary – alternative report on the death penalty in view of Malaysia’s 2024 UPR
Oct 2023
Activity report 2022
Jul 2023
Abolition process
Overview 2022 – The process of abolishing the death penalty in member states of the OIC
Jul 2023
Overview of the death penalty
10 questions on the death penalty for LGBTQIA+ people (2022)
Jun 2023
Overview of the death penalty
Annual report on the death penalty in Iran 2022
Apr 2023
Human Rights Protection Mechanisms
Summary – alternative report on the death penalty in view of Cameroon’s 2023 UPR
Apr 2023
Human Rights Protection Mechanisms
Alternative report on the death penalty for the 4th cycle of Cameroon’s UPR (44th session of the Working Group)
Apr 2023
Human Rights Protection Mechanisms
Summary report on the death penalty for the UPR of Indonesia (2022)
Mar 2023
Human Rights Protection Mechanisms
Summary report on the death penalty for the UPR of Tunisia (2022)
Mar 2023
Human Rights Protection Mechanisms
Summary report on the death penalty for the UPR of Algeria (2022)
Mar 2023