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Pride 2024 : A look back in images

On last 29 June 2024, the Paris Pride occured with the call "Contre la transphobie : transsolidarités". A crowd of around 100 000 took part in the parade. Since the vote of the Anti-Homosexuality Act in 2023 in Uganda and on the eve of French legislative elections, ECPM staunchly stands for LGBTQIA+ rights.
Cortège Pride 2024
ECPM Team – Pride 2024

“Love is not a crime” campaign

With this campaign, ECPM denounces sexual discrimination and urges countries that sentence people to death on the grounds of sexual orientation to decriminalise it. ECPM also denounces countries with openly homophobic legislation. Since 2005, ECPM has joined the Paris Pride March in support of the LGBTQIA+ community.

Due to a blurry political landscape in France with a rise of extreme rightwing, LGBTQIA+ rights tend to be threatened. At an international scape, the Anti-Homosexuality Act was voted in 2023 in Uganda, meaning that the number of states condemning LGBTQIA+ people with the death penalty is now up to 12.

June 2024
Pepe Julian Onziema is a transgender man who has been advocating for LGBTQIA+ rights for…
June 2024
Asal Abasian, an Iranian journalist and queer feminist activist, was forced into exile due to…
Criminalisation of homosexuality: from prison to the death penalty

A look back in images

This 2024 Pride was an opportunity for volunteers, members of the Associative Committee and staff of ECPM to gather for human rights advocacy. The parade allowed them to reach out and raise awareness amongst the public on the death penalty for LGBTQIA+ people.

Join us now to defend their rights!

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