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May 2022 be a great year for the universal abolition!

To support us, ECPM enables you to choose between a one-off donation or a regular donation based on a monthly withdrawal. The online transaction is secure and it only takes a few minutes, thanks to the HelloAsso platform. We warmly thank all those who have taken and will take part in the great success of our actions.


Make a donation before 31 December 2021

If you are taxable, your donations entitle you to a tax reduction equal to 66% of the amount of your donations, up to a limit of 20% of your net taxable income.

  • a donation of 50 € costs you 17 €
  • a donation of 100 € costs you 34 €
  • a donation of 200 € costs you 68 €
  • a donation of 500 € costs you 170 €