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Figures for 2023.

Over the last ten years, ECPM has supported the participation of Iraqi abolitionist actors in key international events on capital punishment, including the World Congress Against the Death Penalty. In response to the death sentences passed on French nationals in Iraq in 2019, ECPM launched an advocacy campaign entitled “Jihadists in the East: the case of French citizens facing the death penalty in Iraq”. The objective of this campaign is to highlight the situation of these French nationals and to remind the French authorities of their commitment to universal abolition of the death penalty in all circumstances.

Between 26 May and 3 June 2019, 11 French nationals were sentenced to death by the Iraqi justice system for “membership of Islamic State”. More than three years later, these eleven French nationals are still on death row in Iraq, without any developments in their situations.

“For a democracy, to use the death penalty against terrorists is to embrace their values.”

Robert Badinter, lawyer and former Minister of Justice, ECPM Honorary President

All reports

Human Rights Protection Mechanisms
Summary report for the Universal Periodic Review of Iraq (2025)
Jul 2024
Overview of the death penalty
10 questions – French citizens sentenced to death in Iraq (French)
Oct 2022
Iraq’s compliance with the ICCPR regarding the death penalty, 134th session of the Human Rights Committee, Submitted January 2022
Feb 2022
Abolition process
The process of abolishing the death penalty in member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation
Oct 2020

All tools

Focus – summary of the case of French citizens sentenced to death in Iraq (French)

All news

Advocacy, Event
ECPM heads to the Middle East for the Fourth Regional Congress on the Death Penalty
02 May 2023
After Morocco (2012), Malaysia (2015) and Abidjan (2018), ECPM, Penal Reform International, Adaleh Center for Human Rights Studies teams and their partners are now heading to the Middle East to organize the fourth regional congress on the death penalty that will take place on July 11 and 12, 2023. An…
cover 10 arguments for the abolition in arabic
Editorial / opinion page
ECPM publishes 10 arguments against the death penalty in Arabic
02 March 2022
As part of its project co-funded by the European Union, Norway and the French Development Agency, ECPM is publishing a leaflet against the death penalty in Arabic. The leaflet aims to strengthen awareness and advocacy among Arabic-speaking interlocutors and is available both print and online.
Iraq death penalty
Iraq’s compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) regarding the death penalty
16 February 2022
cover campaign on French citizens sentenced to death in the Levant region
Editorial / opinion page
Iraq : 5 Iraqi nationals executed for terrorism
12 February 2021
On Tuesday 9 February, Iraq executed 5 Iraqi nationals, all of whom had been convicted of terrorism. They were executed in the central prison of Nassiriya in southern Iraq. ECPM is very concerned about these new executions: Iraq is one of the 5 countries executing the most people in the…
cover publication
The process of abolishing the death penalty in member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC)
26 November 2020
As the 47th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers organised by the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) is being held in Niamey, Niger, on 27 and 28 November 2020, ECPM and Nael Georges publish the study The process of abolishing the death penalty in member states of the Organisation…
Editorial / opinion page
ECPM statement to the UN on the situation of the 11 French nationals recently sentenced to death in Iraq
18 July 2019
On the occasion of the 41st session of the Human Rights Council, ECPM, represented by Taimoor Aliassi, intervened on 3 July 2019 during the general debate on item 4 (Human Rights situations requiring the Council’s attention), in order to draw the Council’s attention to the death sentences and executions in…
Editorial / opinion page
Jihadists in the Levant: 10 key points / 10 dates for a better understanding [Press release]
18 July 2019
The press conference on the situation of French citizens sentenced to death in Iraq, organised on 4 July 2019 by ECPM and the Collectif Familles Unies, allowed civil society to provide essential clarifications on the issue of fair trials in Iraq and the death penalty for French jihadists. It was…
Editorial / opinion page
Press release: French nationals sentenced to death in Iraq
28 May 2019
28 May 2019 – ECPM deplores the death sentence imposed on six French nationals in Iraq within three days, and calls on the French authorities to do everything in their power to ensure that the death penalty is not carried out. The French Kévin Gonot, Léonard Lopez and Salim Machou…
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