50 posters were reviewed by a jury of experts who selected the 3 winners:
Jury PrizeSalsabila L., Collège Moulin Joly, Colombes, France
Danna Lilian J. V., Lycée franco-mexicain, Mexico City, Mexico
Karine EL-I., Association de la renaissance sociale, Minieh-Tripoli, Lebanon

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Moreover, for the first time, the Public Prize was awarded by Internet users. A total of 8,200 votes were registered, and 3 winning posters were selected:
Raad EL-R., Ecole officielle secondaire de l’Educateur Chafic Souhaid, Chiah-Baabda, Lebanon
Fanny Naomi A. L., Preparatoria 15 Florida, Monterrey, Mexico
Enrique Palacio R. Antananarivo, Madagascar

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The 5th edition of the international poster competition “Draw me abolition” is organised by the International Network for Abolition Education, supported by ECPM. This biennial educational project aims at young people under the age of 20. It seeks to encourage young people’s civic engagement on the universal abolition of the death penalty through an artistic approach.
This competition demonstrates that the young generation is capable of taking up this theme and engaging with civil society actors and national and international institutions to demand the universal abolition of the death penalty. A collection of the winning posters will soon be distributed to the winners, the project partners and the general public at upcoming abolitionist events.
Stay tuned… the catalogue of the 5th edition of the poster competition is on its way!